Sunday, October 16, 2011

Civilians' lives or foreign relationship?

This image of dead body is taken at the Mekong River in Thailand. This body is one of the 13 Chinese sailors that have been killed by suspected drug traffickers who hijacked their ships on the Mekong river on October 5th. The Post cited Thai army officials as saying a gang run by the suspected drug trafficker Nor Kham was believed to be behind the attacks. The gang demands protection money from ships it hijacks on the Mekong and kills crew who refuse to co-operate, it added. The boats are then used to smuggle drugs from burma to Thailand.

As a Chinese, i felt so angry when I first saw this image, and then I became very disappointed that Chinese government did not do well to protect Chinese people's life in the foreign country. As being the fastest-growing developing country, China is becoming more and more powerful economically and politically. As China gets stronger and stronger, some neighboring countries like Vietnam are started to feel treatened by China, they are worried about how to get along with such a giant and powerful neighborhood. Because of that, they started to take some advantages from China when it is not yet the most powerful country, thus both Vietnam and Philippine sent their marine troops to take over some of the islands from China, and nevertheless, they passed some anti-Chinese bills in their legislature and started to force Chinese people out of their country. Now the safty of Chinese people who lived in Southeast of Asia is becoming a serious issue, but the Chinese government does not have any realistic move regarding that. I feel angry when saw this photo because it is no more a coincidence that Chinese people are killed in Southeasten Aisa countries, it implies that the people and the government in those countries are started to be hostile to Chinese people and if Chinese government still thinks people's lives are less important than the foreign relationships, there will be more Chinese people to be killed in foreign country.

1 comment:

  1. I am Chinese and I did not know such thing is happening until you bring this up. But I have a question: if these countries like Vietnam and Philippine know that China is becoming more and more powerful in a lot of ways, why did they still do it? Or such cruel action was done by a bunch of people who dislike China? Anyway, I hope "accident" won't happen again.
