Sunday, November 13, 2011


There are many scenes in avatar that can be talked about and read. However, I feel the most notable is definitely when Jake decides to help defend the indigenous species from the humans. This is very powerful because Jake is turning his back on his own species to defend an entirely different species. This takes a very confident and empathetic person to be able to change your entire way of thinking to help a group in greater need. If we take a look back to when the United States was being established, a very similar situation occurred. The settlers came over and pushed out the native americans, many of which were killed, in order to thrive off of their resources and to build a nation for themselves. Avatar is a perfect portrayal of this historic event. The humans are trying to take over the land that the indigenous species have been living on for a long time in order to benefit their greedy desires. Humans are greedy and will stop at nothing to get what we want. We are never satisfied with what we have. WE ALWAYS WANT MORE! It is hardwired into our genes. All throughout history humans have tried to gain more land or more money or more possessions to make themselves richer. The movie avatar depicts human behavior extremely well in the sense that we are vicious when it comes to taking more.


  1. I agree with you about how we can never have enough of everything. It is the constant want for expansion that gets our society into trouble, but if we do not aim for progress, then I am not sure if we would even survive.

  2. I agree for the most part of what you said about humans being greedy and asking for more. We orient ourselves towards progression, progress that which makes life better for us or for the general public, even at times at the cost of others expense at times. But to say that we will stop at nothing, that claim is just too absolute. There will always be exceptions because humans and human behaviors are so distinctive, so different, and ranging differently from region to region, culture to culture. But as for stopping at nothing, I believe that there is a limitation to which something is not obtainable. And it is that where we stop.
