Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Importance of Family

When I was a freshman in high school, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Initially, everything about the situation seemed surreal. You never think situations like that are going to happen to you, until they actually do. It was a very straining time, emotionally, and all of our heads were filled with fear. We talked about every aspect of the disease and treatment as a family and were able to prepare mentally. Luckily, because of the early diagnosis, she was able to go through chemo and was eventually deemed cancer-free. Throughout the entire time, I remember feeling hopeful and positive; something I know I would not have been able to do without my family by my side. We were all rather close prior to the cancer and came together even more as a system of support for one another. I always knew I had someone to talk to and help ease any worry. One of my mother's co-workers was also diagnosed around the same time as my mom. Her situation was vastly different from my mom's as she was unmarried, and had few family members to turn to. No one should have to go through something as painful as cancer by themselves. I can't imagine not having my family by my side and I know I would probably feel completely different about everything had they not been there. Though it was definitely not a positive situation, the outcome was very favorable as I now appreciate my family more.

1 comment:

  1. Family is such an important aspect in my life as well. Many people in my family have had cancer and it is such a hard thing to go through. My nana had breast cancer and she is now battling lung and kidney cancer. These last few years have been really tough as it's gotten worse, and I don't know where I would be without my family. We are always there for each other and we are our support systems to one another. My mom is having a biopsy on a lump in her breast tomorrow, and with the history of cancer in our family, we are praying for the best. I know that whatever happens we will all be there for each other. I'm glad they were able to find your mom's cancer early on and she was able to have treatment to get rid of it. It's always great to hear those happy endings in such difficult times.
