The above image makes a very powerful statement about gender roles as they exist today. Even after supposed years of progress towards women's rights, we still have representations like this. Here stands four muscular, attractive, sweaty men in expensive designer clothing, all towering over a helpless woman in a skimpy outfit. The scene is a prelude to rape. The barely dressed woman is trying to break free, but we all know she stands no chance.
My body reaction to this was a thorough head shake and a little "you have to be fucking kidding me." I'm a really skinny, pale, white boy, so seeing this picture not only makes me feel weak, but that I'm not good looking enough wear D&G and therefore get the ladiezzz.
It comes as somewhat of a relief to me because I would never want to be like these men. That being said, many males do strive to be like them. Many males want the power and authority over every sexy woman out there. Yet, when you look at this picture, coining the female as a woman is a real overstatement. In this picture, she is represented as merely a piece of ass that these men will have inevitably their way with. To men, this picture shows them what they are supposed to look like if they want the ass. To women, this picture reassures them that they will never be more than a piece of ass to men. One would think in this day and age, we would respect women a little more.
I totally agree with you in this picture. Personally I don’t get why it is that our society constantly tends to contradict itself in all that it does. I mean one moment we are on a mission to preach a whole lot of nonsense about women empowerment and the next all we do is emphasize their submission to males and view them more as nothing more than sex objects. I think what is more interesting is how the public, women included, tend to be drawn more towards the latter. In my opinion I think that this should be taken as a sign as how our society has set up itself and is not readily willing to change to this 'equal' system being 'imposed' on it. The classification is already there, man equals master woman equals slave. That’s how the hierarchy has always been and that is how it is and most likely how it's going to be in the future.
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ReplyDeleteWhat you've said is all true as well as the above comment. As women, how are we ever supposed to be treated as equals to men when women are willing to pose in such provocative ways? It's very hypocritical. I think it would be hard to find a woman that didn't get somewhat upset or uncomfortable by that image, and if they didn't, I would be worried. D&G also sells woman's clothing, so even though this ad is aimed at targeting male audiences, the women that see it are instantly turned off if not downright disgusted by the entire representation. Doesn't seem like the best marketing strategy to me. Hmm..