What's wrong with this picture? Yeah. Fun right? Last New Year's Eve day I was having some problems moving around so after getting orders from my mom to call my doctor, we were going to the ER. I brushed if off as nothing more as being tired, or over worked from rowing practice, but to no avail, I was submitted to the ER. I went through all the standard procedures, and a CT scan of my head to make sure nothing was wrong. Piece of cake I've had those done a few dozen times before, they weren't going to find anything. A solemn looking nurse walked in and said that there was something but she couldn't tell what so I had to go in for an MRI. At this point, my parents are freaking out thinking I'm going to die, while my sister is at home with no clue what is going on. I am as calm as could be, sleeping through the MRI.
A week later I had surgery to take the tumor out, and was released from the hospital a few days after surgery. I don't let myself be defined as a brain tumor patient, but do define myself how I handled the situation. Calm, collected, confident. Yes, it was hard to call my family members and friends to tell them I was having surgery and that I wouldn't be back for the spring semester. But through it all, I was the one keeping everyone together.
People sent cards, money, flowers, it was nice but I just wanted to be left alone with my closest family and friends. I was sick of being told that I shouldn't be taking the news so well, or that they were surprised about how calm I was about the situation. They were more worked up than I was.
I personally think it says a lot about someone on how he or she handles themselves. Whether it be when you go to a football game, or go out and drink, or have to have surgery. I credit my family with all of my belief in that. My family isn't perfect either, we don't do the family dinners, or all get together and have a game night or something, but they have influenced me and I'm grateful. People must admit that they are influenceable before they can influence people otherwise it's a waste.
I think it's great that you handled such a tough situation so well. I always think people are amazing when they keep their heads high and think positively when bad or scary things are happening in their lives. It makes others around them relax more and makes the situation better even sometimes. I'm sorry that you had to go through that and I hope everything is better now!