When I first saw this image of this beer ad it made me cringe a bit. Schlitz beer is trying to make a statement here about how their beer is good every time and you don’t have to worry about opening up a bad bottle of beer. It also has gendered bodies though besides trying to make a “funny” or “sarcastic” comment in their eyes they are make a sexist comment referring to the women in the picture. First off, they are in a kitchen. This represents a “typical” housewife that her job is to cook in the kitchen basically degrading her. She has an apron on so clearly she didn’t just get home from work. It suggests that she sucks at cooking as well because her pan is on fire. It also suggests that she is emotional like he needs to comfort her suggesting that women are emotional. The man looks like he has it “under control” with a smile on his face. It makes the man look like he is calm and collected while this women is emotional and a horrible cook. It upsets me to look like images like this because it’s clearly a very sexist image suggesting “stereotypical” qualities about women that aren’t true. The cultural work happening here is suggesting a culture practice of women being seen as secondary to men and reinforcing those qualities that women have come so far to not represent anymore. It may be seen as funny or sarcastic to men but after "reading" this image it is suggesting things that aren't necessary to make a funny or sarcastic beer ad.
I completely dislike the idea of men being emotionless and women being uncontrolled and emotional wrecks. I do not understand what exactly women today have to do to prove themselves as equal to men. It is embarrassing in today's modern world that any particular group in the society has to work twice as hard to achieve the same level of respect as men.