Sunday, October 16, 2011

This was a picture taken from my old high school lunch room a few weeks ago with my younger brother. Now this isn't a necessarily a 'bad' advertisement. The words on it say that by putting more colorful things on your lunch tray, you will have a more colorful day. I think many of us have heard this before; the more colorful your fruits and veggies are, the wider range of nutrients you are getting. But the image is of a raced body. It's a black boy in an athletic stance. My brother took this picture because he cringed about it and so did I! To me it seems that the people who made this ad were using the black person to emphasize the word color. This pushed the idea that white people are not colored and that they are 'normal'. If there wasn't a person in the ad would it make sense? Why did there have to be a person in it?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I can't figure out how to get the picture on here!
