This image says a lot about gender cross-over. When I first glanced at this picture i read the white text, saw the flames, and noticed the weights; I immediately thought to myself that this was an ad for men to get in shape. Then I realized that the person in the picture was a woman and it startled me a little. We as a society see these kinds of pictures all around; magazines, tv commercials, movies, but rarely do these ads feature a muscle-bound woman doing "male" exercises. Most women that I have seen at the gym are not lifting a substantial amount of weight to bulk up. The exercise that this woman is doing is a predominantly male exercise. Why is it a male exercise and who is to say it is a male exercise? Well society says it is male because this exercise is designed to build bulky muscle that men love to have and women love to look at. Women don't want to build bulky muscle because they would be out of the norm and most men do not want to look at a female hulk.
This image could also be seen as a female equality ad. As I said before, females do not do these kinds of exercises and bulk up; but what if this ad was telling women that in order to be an equal to man, she must not only be as smart as a man, but she must also be as strong as a man.
Perhaps this is simply another image to make the majority of the population feel like crap about their bodies. Most people are insecure enough as it is and then they have to see ads like this that say this is what you should look like and you have no excuse to walk around in your flabby folds.
This post is especially intriguing to me because my mother is a personal trainer. She is very muscular, yet her personality and physical appearance isn't intimidating or blatantly stating "I'm a female hulk". However, when men find out that she is capable of lifting more than them, they become offended or they enter a state of denial. Being stronger than women is a fundamental of male culture, and when that fundamental is crushed, they don't know how to respond. For my mother, being a personal trainer not only makes her physically strong, but socially strong too. She is constantly defying this misconception that men have ALWAYS and will ALWAYS be stronger than women. Not true! Women can lift heavy weights too!