According to the article Becoming a Marihuana User by Becker, a person who is defined as a Marihuana user should satisfy three premise: 1. Know how to smoke in a proper way that produces the effects; 2. Know the effects and connected it with drugs and; 3. Enjoy the effects. However, Backer point out that there is no explicit evidence that shows the content of Marihuana will make people addicted, instead, the addiction comes from the effects. As Backer stated, “…the presence of a given kind of behavior is the result of a sequence of social experiences during which the person acquires a conception of the meaning of the behavior, and perceptions and judgments of objects and situations, all of which make the activity possible and desirable…” therefore, the behavior of marihuana user comes from their perception of that behavior, hence it is sane.
To expand the idea from Backer, I may use my dad’s addiction of photographing as an example. My dad became crazy about photographing when I was 19, he bought three expensive cameras (around one thousand dollars each) and five different kinds of lens (1,000 to 3,000 dollars), later he started to dress like a guy from National Geography. He enjoyed taking thousands of photos every day and modifies those through computer, he also brought lots of magazines about the photographing and spent lots of time reading those magazines. When he found some good photos that he took, he will show those to everyone in our family. My dad loved the feeling of creation especially when he received praise from us. He knew he is addicted to photographing but he still enjoyed of taking photos.
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