The above image is from an Urban Outfitters advertisement. While looking at their website, it became apparent that there is not an ounce of fat to be found in any of the images. It's certainly disturbing, to say the least, that models this skinny are a complete norm in the world of fashion. Images of these sickly thin models are unescapable to young girls and, consequently, they believe that being beautiful consists of looking like skin and bones. In this instance, the fashion industry seems to be promoting anorexia. Though initially the shirt may have been designed to be cute and witty, it has the potential to do some serious damage to the self esteem of girls everywhere. I, personally, would certainly be taken aback if I were to see someone sporting this outfit while out and about. The simplicity of this message is similar to other well-known sayings such as Nike's "Just do it." and truly can't be interpreted to have a deeper meaning. The combination of the disgustingly skinny model and the self-starvation message on her shirt are forcing the concept of eating disorders down the very throat of society. The fashion industry needs to make serious changes regarding the types of models they are hiring and the words being incorporated into the clothes they are selling. Once these changes are made I feel girls everywhere will find it easier to feel good about themselves and feel confident that they are beautiful.
I totally agree with you! I also do not understand why it is that the idea of being skinny has been associated being sexy! Everyone has their own body images and yet todays media seems to promote that being thin is all that matters, and that everything else is trash. What in my opinion has made it worse is that women are now going over and beyond to fit the 'perfect image'. Liposuction, plastic surgery are all but a few! The saddening fact is that they are permanantly changing themselves for a fashion culture that might just one day wake up and be 'out of fashion'.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on this as well. Whoever the person was that came up with the idea that anorexia is sexy is a sick human being. Models that thin are the exact opposite of sexy. In my opinion, they're ugly. I would much rather look at a plus size model than at an anorexic one. Now i'm not promoting obesity either I simply think society needs to find that fine line between being fat, and waaaay too thin. its ironic that we are the most powerful country in the world, but generally speaking, we have very low self-esteem due to our body images.
ReplyDeleteI feel like this has been an ongoing problem for society for what feels like forever, but recently, within the last year, curves have become more fashionable - or better yet..sporting the natural body type one was born with! I think the majority of people would agree that the above model is not even attractive. She looks tired and her eyes are dark and sunken in. Frankly, what woman wants to be in pain starving themselves just to look like a little girl? If I ever saw this shirt being worn in public, I'd exchange a dirty look without hesitation, because it is absolutely ridiculous and stupid.
ReplyDeleteThis has definitely been a problem for a while now. While walking through the mall of america or any other mall around the metro area unless I am walking by a store made for "curvy" women, there is always a picture of a very skinny and tall woman hanging in the window. Younger children see these images and think this is suppose to represent what beauty is. Many younger girls in middle school shop at the Abercrombie Kids. Their ads represent only very tiny girls. Abercrombie Kids designs their store to be like a party, with loud music going and selling clothes younger girls see as "cool", their ads are these young girls examples of what is "cool". Just going to the homepage "" the girls portrayed pretty much have their collar bones sticking out. It's been an ongoing problem for a while and it has to do with society thinking that this is what is pretty. I know what our society thinks is pretty won't change over night or even within the next few years but with time I would hope by the time I have kids this idea of what is pretty in general to society will change.
ReplyDeleteIf I ever saw someone wearing this shirt I would definitely not hold back any looks or words I'd have to say. This image of woman having to be a size 2 or less has been a problem for a long time now. If you are any size above that, you are considered unattractive and over weight. It is hard to get away from the idea that being stick thin is okay because everywhere we look we are slapped in the face with ads of beautiful, talls models with their ribs showing and their collar bones, along with many others showing. We are being told that being too thin is the right thing to do. The kids in this world are growing up thinking that the only way they will be accepted and not made fun of is if they are as small as can be. I think many of us can say how hard it is trying to feel comfortable in our own skin when we aren't a size 0. I agree with Cecily that curves are becoming a bit more acceptable now, but there are still ads everywhere telling us that we should be skinny enough that our bones should show, and that's okay. I think we need to find an acceptable happy medium, and people need to be more accepting of women with curves. Our culture can't keep defining the female body as having to be a size 2 or less. It is unhealthy and is giving children, as well as older females, the idea that they need to be that way to be accepted.
ReplyDeleteThis is unbelievable! I realize that body types have become somewhat of a trend like clothes. A decade or so back, curvy was the way to go and now,skinny to the point of death is in. I cant even express my disbelief at this advertisement. The best way to advertise for women and men is to make their body type, whatever it may be, the sexiest it can be and beyond. We should not have to change for clothes, the retail market need to broaden their vision and bend over backwards to make clothes appealing to us not the other way around.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with you all above!!! I believe that you all have stated out reasons to support two theories that first, skinny is not sexy and second, these days it seems like the media is trying to send out a message of skinny/think is good, in which I do not agree with. I personally don't know how skinny skinny is, or how thin think is, but I just think that as long as people are looking healthy and happy, they are good enough. Speaking of looking good or looking sexy, it is more like a personal opinion, but I don't think that shirt up there is looking good on that girl, and that girl is not looking good and happy in that shirt.