The Pope said:
9. In the light of these facts the characteristic features and exigencies of married love are clearly indicated, and it is of the highest importance to evaluate them exactly.
This love is above all fully human, a compound of sense and spirit. It is not, then, merely a question of natural instinct or emotional drive. It is also, and above all, an act of the free will, whose trust is such that it is meant not only to survive the joys and sorrows of daily life, but also to grow, so that husband and wife become in a way one heart and one soul, and together attain their human fulfillment.
It is a love which is total—that very special form of personal friendship in which husband and wife generously share everything, allowing no unreasonable exceptions and not thinking solely of their own convenience. Whoever really loves his partner loves not only for what he receives, but loves that partner for the partner's own sake, content to be able to enrich the other with the gift of himself.
Married love is also faithful and exclusive of all other, and this until death. This is how husband and wife understood it on the day on which, fully aware of what they were doing, they freely vowed themselves to one another in marriage. Though this fidelity of husband and wife sometimes presents difficulties, no one has the right to assert that it is impossible; it is, on the contrary, always honorable and meritorious. The example of countless married couples proves not only that fidelity is in accord with the nature of marriage, but also that it is the source of profound and enduring happiness.
Finally, this love is fecund. It is not confined wholly to the loving interchange of husband and wife; it also contrives to go beyond this to bring new life into being. "Marriage and conjugal love are by their nature ordained toward the procreation and education of children. Children are really the supreme gift of marriage and contribute in the highest degree to their parents' welfare." (8)
The Pope has said that the marriaged love is fully above all human, it is a compound of sense and sprit; also it is a special relationship between the husband and wife, by which they generously share everything; the love is also a faith that all others are exclusive until the death; in the end, the pope points out that the marriaged love is also fecund, it creates the well-being of the interchange of husband and wife, and the children as well.
I am agree with the definition of marriaged love from pope. Now, how about the unmarriage love? For example, the homosexual love?
We have talked about the science and religions in our class, as a scientific person, I believe that everything can be defined by the Natural Law except for one thing-----The Love. In a scientific perspective, love is bonded to sex, people love because they has sexual needs, and I do not think that way. I believe the love is broader than the sexual needs. People do love each other for non-sexual purposes, for example, a friendship is one type of love that do not involve any sexual needs.
Also, the love creates not only a good relationship between two people, but also among others as well. If two people love each other, they will understand how good the love is, and they will start to love the other people, and then the world. Love will create a good initiative.
Therefore, the love does not mean to be only between a girl and a boy, it could be between any individuals! And, again, the love does not have to be mixed with sex. People has the right to love any one they want.
Love is beautiful no matter if it is marriaged or non-marriaged, heterosexual or homosexual, same age or different age. When people love each other, they get together and stay with each other, this is how simple the world is and the world should be.
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